A kid’s room is not just another room but a space that your child will thrive and flourish in. Help him/her bring out the best in a room which spells space, comfort and a lot of fun. When doing up your kid’s room, remember to:

  • Stick to a color palette – kids’ have an eye for color and their room needs to reflect that. Whether you go wild with colors or stick to the archaic black and white, let there be consistency.
  • A collected feel – they love it when everything is right there. Plan closets and open shelves everywhere but they should have everything at their disposal when they want it.
  • Funky lighting – apart from the natural light, your kids room should have some really cool light shades that are an extension of who your kids are or what your kids love.
  • Display what they love – your child may be a huge fan of old coins or balls or even autographed cricket balls. Make his/her room a matter of pride. Let him/her flaunt all the prized treasure trove.
  • Fun with graphic – use graphic designs on the roof or on one highlighted wall in the room and watch the fun.

Give them a space to cherish, an extension of who they are.